More often than brands would probably like, we’re given opportunities
to learn about social media crisis management through the highly
visible fallout from the experiences of others. This weekend, social
sharing platform Buffer was hacked, resulting in a Saturday afternoon and evening crisis for the start-up.
I wouldn’t say it was a positive experience for Buffer, but I will
say this: it turned out okay. Not awesome, but okay. That’s about the
best you can hope for when hackers cause an interruption in service for
your customers that lasts several hours.
Buffer Responded to Spam Hack Saturday Afternoon
Over several hours, I watched as Buffer communicated with media,
customers and their greater social audience. Few were bashing the brand;
in fact, the social buzz was largely positive across their channels.
Customers praised the company for their transparency and timely
communications. I was amazed to see a Buffer rep, Andy, tweeting in
response to each and every mention they received at the peak of their
crisis. Staff were communicating across their blog, Twitter, Facebook
and through the media, to ensure customers were fully informed.
Buffer co-founder and CMO Leo Widrich took the time to discuss his
company’s social media crisis management strategy with us just a day
after it happened. “It was really incredible to see how everyone on the
team just tried to find a way to help our users, whether in comments,
with Tweets, on Facebook and via email,” he said. “I'm incredibly
grateful for the people on our team and how they've responded here.”
Beyond having a great team, how can a brand navigate a crisis and
come out (relatively) clean on the other side? We’ve seen time and again
a problematic issue for a brand become a full blown social media
crisis, usually due to one or more of the following missteps:
- Failing to understand your customer base and the risks inherent to social promotion even at the most basic level, as in McDonald’s disastrous #McDStories campaign.
- Attempting to gloss over problematic issues by refusing to discuss them in social channels, as Lululemon demonstrated during their see-through pants crisis.
- Failing to communicate openly and honestly with users in a timely manner—see Sony’s four-day silence on their April, 2011 hacking.
- Planning to fail by failing to plan, as was demonstrated by HMV execs, who had no process in place to remove access when employees took over their Twitter as they were being fired.
- Panicking and removing the brand from the conversation (which will inevitably go on without you); see the City of Regina Police Department’s social meltdown after an officer killed a dog in a backyard. The flurry of social hate was “unmanageable,” so they shut their Facebook Page down completely… for 5 months.
There are a lot of ways to ignite the fuse that will turn a situation
from manageable to spontaneous combustion across social media channels.
See how Buffer managed their team, processes and partners to reduce the
impact of the interruption and even reinforce their core values to
customers, all without going up in social flames.
What Buffer Did Right, Right Out of the Gate
Around 2:20pm EST, people began tweeting about spam tweets and
Facebook posts appearing on behalf of some Buffer users. By 2:36pm,
Buffer sent their first tweet acknowledging the problem:

They immediately ceased sharing from their social platform to mitigate the damage while they investigated.
From that point forward, Buffer was in “all hands on deck” mode
across their social channels and email, responding in real-time to
customer concerns. Yet Buffer is a fully distributed team and actually
had no one in the office—it was Saturday afternoon.
“Everyone was cranking away from their homes. Internally, the team
stayed connected with Google Hangouts continuously throughout the breach
so we could coordinate fast and effectively,” Widrich tells us. “The
teamwork was truly incredible on that day, everyone was so
solution-oriented. All engineers were focused on the tech problem and
everyone else was working Twitter, emails, blog post comments, etc., to
answer the questions of users.”
In Times of Crisis, Be Useful to Your Social Audience
It wasn’t long before Buffer had a blog post published. Buffer Has Been Hacked—here is what’s going on served a number of purposes, not the least of which was to alert users to the problem.
It began:
“I wanted to post a quick update and
apologize for the awful experience we’ve caused many of you on your
weekend. Buffer was hacked around 2 hours ago, and many of you may have
experienced spam posts sent from you via Buffer. I can only understand
how angry and disappointed you must be right now.”
In addition to the mea culpa, Buffer offered their Facebook and
Twitter pages as the best place for real-time updates and promised to
keep them updated.
They also gave a clear, succinct list of action items customers could
use to protect their accounts while the issue was being resolved.
Rather than lashing out, customers began to voice their support just
minutes after learning their accounts may have been compromised:

Be Where Your Customers Are… and Fast
Buffer is a smaller organization and certainly could have chosen to
man only one communication channel throughout their hacking ordeal.
Yet Widrich tells us that within one hour of the hack, they had
already emailed all of their users (over a million of them), “because we
wanted to keep them in the loop and on top of things.”
At the same time, they were already engaging on Facebook and
Twitter. Where are your customers on a Saturday afternoon? It’s
impossible to know, so Buffer covered as many bases as they could to
ensure their customers knew what was going on and what they could do
about it.
I asked Widrich if the size of his company was an advantage; after
all, larger brands may have stumbling blocks to near-instant
cross-platform messaging by way of PR approval and legal teams. “I
believe that we simply defaulted to the Buffer values here, with one of
our core values being 'default to transparency,'" he said, adding, “We
have very little structure yet at Buffer, so we could be very agile and
act quickly without running into an ‘analysis paralysis’ problem.”
Reassure with Regular, Meaningful Updates Across Channels
In this case, Facebook and Amazon Web Services reached out to Buffer
proactively, once they noticed the suspicious activity. Widrich tells us
that within a few short hours, the two Internet Goliaths offered his
tech team guidance and steered them through the difficulties as they
added new security measures and made necessary improvements.
As Facebook and Amazon pitched in for the quickest resolution
possible, Buffer’s team updated their blog, Facebook and Twitter
accounts to keep customers informed. Three blog updates between 1pm and
5:30pm PST offered updates and next steps for users, as in this one:

On Facebook, they reassured their social audience once Facebook itself was on board with the fix:

Even co-founders Widrich and Joel Gascoigne were tweeting updates and responding to inquiries throughout the day.
The Fallout: Brand Culture and Team Empowerment Win the Day
A strong culture allowed Buffer executives to trust those team
members not involved in partner discussions or engineering with much of
the social communication. Widrich tells us, “We tried to simply default
to our values here. Be open, be transparent, be understanding. We like
to derive our actions as much as we can from principles and let the
methods fall into place by themselves. And that's what we tried to apply
here as well.”

In just the few hours of their crisis, Buffer saw the tweet volume
about their brand increase by more than four times the typical volume in
an entire day. Yet they were able to move almost seamlessly into crisis
mode, with all hands on deck working to resolve the hacking issue,
update customers and manage the fallout across their social media

Social media sentiment analysis from Topsy
shows a lower score today and during the crisis for Buffer than they
typically experience. However, looking deeper into the social content
reveals that much of the "negative" content surrounding the brand is the
by-product of negative word association in media coverage. "Your Brand
Name" and "Hacked" in the news is never going to generate a lot of warm
and fuzzy social sentiment.
As surely as you can't completely prevent hacking, you can’t 100
percent weather-proof your brand. What you can do is prepare your team,
tools and processes for the storm.
Buffer is a fantastic example of a company empowering their employees
to communicate in real-time, on the fly, while adhering to the brand's
core values, in order to better serve their customer and audience needs.
There are valuable lessons here for all brands, especially those that
might one day face a storm of their own.
Update: Buffer has released new information about
the hacking incident on their blog. "In terms of exact numbers, Facebook
confirmed with us that 30,000 Buffer users who had a Facebook page
connected (out of 476,343 total connected pages to Buffer) were affected
and had spam posted on their behalf. This means that 6.3% of Buffer
users on Facebook were impacted by this. Since then, we’ve taken key
security measures: we have added encryption of OAuth access tokens and
we have changed all API calls to use an added security parameter."
Source Link:- http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2303237/Buffers-Response-to-Hacking-A-Study-in-Social-Media-Crisis-Management
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