Language evolves and is shaped by active forces. As technology,
culture, and society moves forward, our language and keywords are forced
to keep up. Because this change happens fast, it's increasingly common
that a social, technical, or cultural manifestation has emerged and
isn't yet defined, commoditized, or made into a cliché.
The interesting thing is that, as search marketers, when some other
branch of marketer comes to us all charged up after identifying a new
concept or trend, we respond with "well, there's not that much search
volume on that." And so we exit the conversation and the action moves
In other words, search marketers are followers.
Keywords Without Search Volume are Opportunities
Search marketers should be marketers first, search specialists
second. If a new social trend is emerging that has not hit the public
consciousness to the point where there is identifiable query volume that
reflects the underlying semantics, we should see this as an
opportunity, not a reason to step aside.
Trends without query volume are content marketing opportunities. They
are business-building opportunities. They are stuff of which money is
For example, a client has a product portfolio that makes preparing
side dishes, main dishes, and meals easier. It's not microwave dinners,
it's cooking made quicker, easier, and with less planning required. As
we mulled this over, we realized that outside quick and easy keywords,
the larger concept had not been defined and as result had little query
What is the larger concept? It's the idea of agile cooking. Of
responsive cooking, Of being able to cook a separate dish for each
member of the family. Of being able to spread dinnertime out over the
course of several hours to accommodate schedules. It's families creating
sustainable food cultures that work for them. Not the way their parents
eat, but a way of eating that works for them, as they live now, and
that results in happy and well-fed families.
What are the keywords for that? They don't exist. Flat out. Which
means there is an opportunity for the brand to own this concept, define
the language, and own the keywords as they gain currency in the culture.
Create a Concept, Own the Language
Creating a concept and owning the language isn't a new idea and is
often employed by management and research consultancies. ‘ERP' or
Enterprise Resource Planning software – was a term coined by the Gartner
group around 1990 and they owned that language for a quite a while.
Notice the use of the word "coined", as in to make money. It was only
when firms like SAP and Oracle began selling ERP software in huge
amounts that they lost ownership of the term. But by then, they were off
coining new terms.
When you get good enough at this tactic, you may become a genericized
trademark like Google, or Kleenex. Then you are guaranteed to rank for
your keywords. Kleenex didn't go around trying to capture interest in
facial tissues – they created the concept and defined the language to
the point where they werethe keyword.
Be a Leader: Make Your Own Keywords
As search and SEO firms morph and evolve, we need to prick up our
ears the second we hear about a new idea that doesn't seem to have any
relevant identifiable keywords or query volume. That's an opportunity
knocking. That's the time to start talking about a content marketing
program and an editorial calendar to start defining the concept,
creating the language, and pushing it out through social, owned, and
paid channels.
And once you've defined the language, you're going to rank for it. Search marketers need to step up and become full stack marketers, using keyword insights and understanding of inbound channels as bellwethers for business opportunity.
Source Link:- http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2306020/Make-Your-Own-Keywords
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