The 2013 holiday season saw record-high increases in clicks,
impressions, and revenues. A big part of this growth was driven by
mobile devices and product listing ads (PLA), according to the 2013
Global Online Retail Seasonal Shopping Report by Kenshoo.
Global Increases in Spend, CTR and Revenues
Retailers prepared early this year for the shopping season, due to
there being six fewer days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This led
to a 34 percent year-over-year (YoY) increase in paid search spend, the
report says.
The heightened investment in paid search enabled retail advertisers
to achieve 26.9 percent YoY growth in clicks, as well as a 12.8 percent
YoY increase in CTR. As a result, online shopping revenues were up 19
percent from last year.
A deeper look at specific regions reveals that U.S. marketers
allocated 48.1 percent more in paid search spend in 2013 than last year.
They were also able to spend more efficiently this year, with a 14.1
percent increase in CTR.
As expected, U.S. paid search retailers reaped the benefits of the
uptick in paid search spend, as revenues during shopping season reached a
record high, up 37 percent from 2012.
Tablets Gain Momentum
In 2013, paid search marketers allocated 34.4 percent of total spend to mobile devices, a 66.7 increase YoY.

Mobile devices also drove 36.7 percent of all global paid search
clicks in the 2013 shopping season, up 32.1 percent from 2012. At 16.3
percent of total clicks, tablets became the biggest driver, 8.7 percent
more than last year. In comparison, Phone clicks jumped 7.5 percent YoY
to 20.4 percent of total clicks.
Tablets also saw a doubling in revenues, up from 7.8 percent of total
revenues in 2012 to 18.9 percent in 2013. With almost one-fifth of
total revenues coming from tablets, this shopping season marks a major
turning point in the importance of this device for retailers and
consumers, the report says.
Nevertheless, 77 percent of total revenues still came from desktop computers this year.
PLAs Experienced Enormous Growth
Retailers were more adept at using PLAs and nearly doubled their
spend on this ad format in 2013. Click-through rates on PLAs reached an
average of 3.3 percent, up 30 percent from last year. The increased
efficiency enabled businesses to generate 115.6 percent more clicks from
only 65.4 percent more impressions YoY, according to the report.
PLAs performed better than traditional paid search ad metrics, with
CTR 26.7 percent higher while the average cost-per-click was 15.3
percent less.
Meanwhile, total global revenues from PLAs increased 417.4 percent
YoY, translating to nearly a nine to one ($8.62) return for this

Kenshoo also provided advertiser suggestions in this report, including:
- Anticipate consumer shopping behavior and react to market activity
- Capitalize on the PLA opportunity
- Embrace the mobile shift and establish a cross-device strategy
- Don't be afraid to go big during the peak shopping season
Kenshoo analyzed data from its clients (advertisers and agencies),
who conducted paid search programs for retailers from November 1, 2012
through December 9, 2013. Download the full report from Kenshoo.
This article was originally published on ClickZ.
Source Link:- Search Engine Watch
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